Logan Earth – enhancing Google Earth with ArcticDEM for the NWT

in Community: News

…links below. Google Earth (above) vs. Logan Earth (below) comparison of a permafrost slump on the Peel Plateau in NWT helpful links: Cabin Radio Press Release: https://cabinradio.ca/88612/news/environment/yellowknife-man-creates-alternative-to-google-earth-for-northerners/ Logan Earth Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LoganEarth Logan Earth App: https://northernmademaps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer3d/index.html?id=c01df3f8136e4c718a1bfe8377951352 PGC’s Arctic DEM Webpage: https://www.pgc.umn.edu/data/arcticdem/…


PGC’s Cole Kelleher: Time to Eat the Dogs Podcast

in Community: News

…scientists, and coolest of all, has teamed up with Google to provide street views of McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Podcast Length: 31:02 https://www.pgc.umn.edu/files/2018/07/time-to-eat-dogs-podcast-kelleher.mp3 If the audio fails to load, you can listen to the original podcast at this link: https://timetoeatthedogs.com/2018/07/23/episode-42-mapping-the-polar-regions/…
