PGC Commercial Satellite Imagery Documentation


Information for users that receive commercial satellite imagery deliverables from PGC.

Imagery File Structure

Raw imagery (NITF format):

File type Example
NITF Image WV02_20130426224306_1030010020A45200_13APR26224306-M1BS-500069507110_01_P004.ntf
TAR archive of ephemeris and aux files WV02_20130426224306_1030010020A45200_13APR26224306-M1BS-500069507110_01_P004.tar
JPEG preview image WV02_20130426224306_1030010020A45200_13APR26224306-M1BS-500069507110_01_P004-BROWSE
XML metadata file WV02_20130426224306_1030010020A45200_13APR26224306-M1BS-500069507110_01_P004.xml

PGC Processed Imagery:

File type Example
GeoTiff Image WV02_20120607224719_10300100193E9E00_12JUN07224719-M1BS-052560775010_04_P004_u16ns3338.tif
Projection info  WV02_20120607224719_10300100193E9E00_12JUN07224719-M1BS-052560775010_04_P004_u16ns3338.prj
XML metadata file (includes original image metadata and PGC processing parameter information) WV02_20120607224719_10300100193E9E00_12JUN07224719-M1BS-052560775010_04_P004_u16ns3338.xml

Notes:  GeoTiff image is compressed using a lossless LZW method that does not alter the images.

PGC Processing Notation

Radiometric Correction:

ns – no stretch

rf – top of atmosphere percent reflectance (scaled to bit depth; 8-bit: 0-200, 16-bit: 0-2000)

mr – modified reflectance (for ice/snow free areas)

Data Type:

u08 – unsigned 8-bit integer

 u16 – unsigned 16-bit integer


Projection information:

EPSG Code Name Area of use Datum
3031 Antarctic Polar Stereographic Antarctica WGS84
3413 NSIDC Sea Ice Polar Stereographic North Greenland WGS84
3338 Alaska Albers Equal Area Conic Alaska NAD83
Varies UTM Zones 3-21 N Alaska and Canada NAD83
Varies UTM zones 1-59 N/S  Worldwide WGS84 

Commercial Satellite Imagery Naming Conventions


QB02 – Quickbird 2

WV01 – Worldview-1

WV02 – Worldview-2

WV03 – Worldview-3

GE01 – Geoeye-1

Example 1: Worldview-2

Example:  WV02_20140620230824_1030010032BE0200_14JUN20230824-M1BS_R07C1-500106095060_01_P001.ntf
WV02 sensor
20140620230824 acquisition time stamp (yyyymmddhhmmss)
1030010032BE0200 Catalog ID



Original Name
14JUN20230824 Original timestamp
M Image type (P: panchromatic, M: multispectral
1BS DG product type (1b: standard, 2A: georectified)
.ntf file format (options = ntf, tif)

Example 2: Geoeye-1 Ikonos

Example:  IK01_20080705225000_2008070522505760000011624215_po_296415_pan_0000000.ntf
IK01 sensor
20080705225000 acquisition time stamp (yyyymmddhhmmss)


Catalog ID
po_296415_pan_0000000 Original Name
pan Band identifier (blu:blue, grn: green, red:red, nir:near infrared, pan:panchromatic)
.ntf file format (options = ntf, tif)

Example 3: Geoeye-1

Example: GE01_20101025231312_1000100_5V101025M0010001004B222003200482M_000949123.ntf
GE01 sensor
20101025231312 acquisition date (yyyymmddhhmmss)
1000100 Catalog ID


Original Name
101025 Original Timestamp
M Image type (P: panchromatic, M: multispectral)
001000100 GE catalog number
4B222 Product Type
00320048 Sub-image identifier
2 Processing version
M Stereo/mono flag
000949123 OPS product number
.ntf file format (options = ntf, tif)

Sensor Information

Sensor Min Resolution Bands
Quickbird-2 Multi 2.4m Band 1 – Blue

Band 2 – Green

Band 3 – Red

Band 4 – Near Infrared

Quickbird-2 Pan 0.6m Band 1 – Panchromatic
Worldview-1 Pan 0.5m Band 1 – Panchromatic
Worldview-2 Multi 1.85 m 4 band image:

Band 1 – Blue

Band 2 – Green

Band 3 – Red

Band 4 – Near Infrared

8 band image:

Band 1 – Coastal

Band 2 – Blue

Band 3 – Green

Band 4 – Yellow

Band 5 – Red

Band 6 – Red Edge

Band 7 – Near Infrared

Band 8 – Near Infrared 2

Worldview-2 Pan 0.46m Band 1 – Panchromatic
Worldview-3 Multi 1.65 m 4 band image:

Band 1 – Blue

Band 2 – Green

Band 3 – Red

        Band 4 – Near Infrared

8 band image:

Band 1 – Coastal

Band 2 – Blue

Band 3 – Green

Band 4 – Yellow

Band 5 – Red

Band 6 – Red Edge

Band 7 – Near Infrared

        Band 8 – Near Infrared 2

Worldview-3 Pan 0.31m Band 1 – Panchromatic
Geoeye-1 Multi 2m Band 1- Blue

Band 2 – Green

Band 3 – Red

Band 4 – Near Infrared

Geoeye-1 Pan 0.5m Band 1- Panchromatic
Ikonos Multi 4m Band 1- Blue

Band 2 – Green

Band 3 – Red

Band 4 – Near Infrared

Ikonos Pan 1m  Band 1 – Panchromatic

Documentation Links

Maxar general documentation:

Maxar XML metadata file documentation:

Maxar radiometric correction:

NITF general documentation:


Claire Porter

Polar Geospatial Center

University of Minnesota


In this Guide, we’ve covered:

  • Imagery file structure
  • PGC processing notation
  • Commercial satellite imagery naming conventions
  • Sensor information
  • Imagery documentation links

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